activity unit

activity unit
единица активности
* * *
единица активности

English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "activity unit" в других словарях:

  • activity unit — aktyvumo vienetas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. activity unit vok. Aktivitätseinheit, f rus. единица активности, f pranc. unité d’activité, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • kind-of-activity-unit — vienetas pagal veiklos rūšį statusas Aprobuotas sritis pramonės statistika apibrėžtis Vienos rūšies ekonominę veiklą vykdantis vienetas arba jo dalis. atitikmenys: angl. kind of activity unit vok. fachliche Einheit, f rus. единица вида… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Unit — may refer to:In mathematics: * Unit vector, a vector with length equal to 1 * Unit circle, the circle with radius equal to 1, centered at the origin * Unit interval, the interval of all real numbers between 0 and 1 * Imaginary unit, i , whose… …   Wikipedia

  • Activity-based costing — (ABC) is a costing model that identifies activities in an organization and assigns the cost of each activity resource to products and services according to the actual consumption by each in order to generate the actual cost of products and… …   Wikipedia

  • Activity based proteomics — Activity based proteomics, or activity based protein profiling (ABPP) is a functional proteomic technology that uses specially designed chemical probes that react with mechanistically related classes of enzymes [Berger AB, et al. Activity based… …   Wikipedia

  • Activity-based Costing — L’activity based costing, ou méthode ABC est une méthode de gestion de la performance qui permet de comprendre la formation des coûts et les causes de leurs variations. Sommaire 1 Enjeux et histoire de la méthode ABC 1.1 Enjeux de la méthode ABC… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Activity Based Costing — L’activity based costing, ou méthode ABC est une méthode de gestion de la performance qui permet de comprendre la formation des coûts et les causes de leurs variations. Sommaire 1 Enjeux et histoire de la méthode ABC 1.1 Enjeux de la méthode ABC… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • unit — 1. One; a single person or thing. 2. A standard of measure, weight, or any other quality, by multiplications or fractions of which a scale or system is formed. 3. A group of persons or things considered as a whole because of mutual activities or… …   Medical dictionary

  • activity — /ak tiv i tee/, n., pl. activities. 1. the state or quality of being active: There was not much activity in the stock market today. He doesn t have enough physical activity in his life. 2. a specific deed, action, function, or sphere of action:… …   Universalium

  • activity — 1. In electroencephalography, the presence of neurogenic electrical energy. 2. In physical chemistry, an ideal concentration for which the law of mass action will apply perfectly; the ratio of the a. to the true concentr …   Medical dictionary

  • UNIT — For other uses, see Unit (disambiguation). UNIT Universe Whoniverse Type Intelligence agency, military organisation Founded 1968 Location Worldwide Geneva, Switzerland Mount Snowdon, Wales (Unit Base 5) An office building in London, England The… …   Wikipedia

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